onsdag 24 november 2010

Big disapointment

As you might have noticed from my twitter I lost the first game. Horribly. Can't get a replay of it but basically it was my usual 12rax 14rax business but I fudged up badly with my micro when attacking and I can honestly say that it was all nerves. Right now I'm so mad at myself for throwing away that game due to being nervous. The guy made it to RO8 so I guess that's some what comforting.

Still I think it was a good experience, at least that's what I'm telling myself to think. Getting up and playing live with a lot of pressure is always tough and every experience helps to ease that feeling. I'll be preparing much harder for the next live-tournament and try to sign up for as many online tournaments as possible to try and get rid of those pesky nerves that seem to funk up my game as soon as something is on the line.

Peace out!

Off to the tournament!

Sitting here just about to pack my mouse and mousepad and my headset ready to go to the tournament! Wish me luck and I'll be posting on twitter about how I do!

Gogo Hasu2Gosu fighting!

tisdag 23 november 2010

And some of the house-wine, s'il vouz plait!

Confirmed today that I am indeed playing in the tournament tomorrow and found out it's a BO1 single-elimination until the finals which is a BO3 with 32 participants. So tonight I'm gonna hard practice against different kinds of cheese if I can get my friends to practice with me!

I'll update on twitter when I'm playing so you can join me and see how I tackle sixpool and cannonrush.

måndag 22 november 2010

Two days later!

So its been two days since the project started and I've already had some great results both in improving my play and ladder-wise. I'd like to extend a thanks to my dear friends Explosives and goHYLGameGuy that have been helping me by playing against me. Apart from that they've been backseatgaming me via my stream and Skype cheering me on and helping me during the game.

It's especially nice since I have a ~10 seconds delay on the stream so hearing them go "You have to build a supp- ah you've already built it" or going "Don't forget to micro, oh ok you killed them already." really boosts my self-confidence and helps me get a feeling of being on top of my game and knowing what I'm doing.

I've also gotten compliments for my macroing which I've felt was the part I've been lacking the most so that was a real eye-opener. Right now I think my major flaws is having a solid build as I feel I have kind off a gameplan but just can't seem to get things at nice timing. Another big gap in my play is my multitasking which is kind of lackluster which is key to becoming a really good player.

Other than that I've been working on setting up the logistics of getting videos up on YouTube to hopefully be able to post videos here. Until then you can find me at the Stream under recorded videos which is basically unedited videos of me playing on the ladder and versus Explosives.

In my games versus Explosives and one of the game on the ladder you see me trying out a new tactic I've shamelessly stolen from the Asian servers. Apparently it's really popular there and it in short is a very nice double barracks pressure to hurt the zerg econ early by forcing a lot of lings and killing of drones while delaying your own tech. If you are curious check out the recorded video from yesterday at 6.58 to see it in action against Explosives. Later that video I try it on the ladder on Steppes of War and it fail miserably which I am sure is because of the short distance between the mains which means counterattacking is really easy and that generally zerg don't expand or set up for economic play on that map anyhow and that is something I'm going to consider in the future.

As for the coming week I'm going to just try to get a lot of games going and "just play" to get a feel for the game and of laddering since I've had somewhat of an hiatus before this started. I'm also going to be trying to play really calmly and just get some confidence and security to my play as I feel it's like a cardhouse right now. If not earlier I'll report back at Friday with a replay-pack and an update on how the week have been for me.

Oh and on Wednesday I think I'm participating in a tournament at Game Entertainment Center (link) in Lund which is my local LAN-Café. ㄱㄱ Hasu2Gosu Fighting!

See you later this week and don't forget to check out my stream!


lördag 20 november 2010


Welcome to the Hasu2Gosu blog!

First off I'd just like to congratulate you for finding your way here and give you a warm welcome! Chances are that you got directed here from someone you know but if you don't I'll give you the quick rundown on what this is all about.

So the Hasu2Gosu-blog is a part of my personal quest to become a professional Starcraft 2 gamer. I have some set goals which is kinda like this.
  • Be no.1 in my division (Diamond)
  • Top 200 in Europe
  • Have a monthly "salary" of cup/tournament-wins over 100$
Having such ambitious goals requires some information about me(Just so you have an idea of how incredibly far-fetched they are). So I'm closing in on 21 and I'm from Sweden. I currently study Game Programming at the University. Now that that is cleared out of the way let's talk about me and Starcraft 2.

I never played Starcraft: Brood War and played Warcraft 3 for a little while when it came out. As far as RTS-games go I've always been an avid fan and gamer but never really played it on a competitive level. When Starcraft 2 was announced and scheduled for beta I had gotten a taste for the competitive Starcraft-scene through VOD's and friends talking about the game. At the time I was playing Heroes of Newerth in a clan which was participating in tournaments so the competitive spirit had already sparked in me and I pre-ordered the game and got a beta-key. I started playing and throughout the Beta I was constantly trying to improve my play and towards the end I was in the Platinum-league by playing random.

When the game was released I started playing Terran since it was the race I had the best success with and quickly placed myself in the Diamond league. I've been playing on and off since the release and currently I'm at 980~ and ranked no. 75 in my division.

As for the format of this blog I'm going to be updating quiet frequently talking about what I'm having problems with or what I'm practicing right now together with giving updates when I feel I've improved. Towards the end of the week I will be posting a replay pack of ALL games I've played and I will be posting highlights (or lowlights...) to YouTube which will be shown at the bottom of the site(currently I have Day9 as a filler until I've got some videos up). I will also be streaming from Ustream when I'm playing which will be notified via Twitter.
